
salesforce mapping
Part 9 | #BoostYourBusiness Series For years, telecommunications companies have had access to unparalleled amounts of location data. After all, few industries have access to more location-based information than the companies providing consumers and corporations with cellular data plans for their mobile devices. But, despite a surplus of location data, telecom companies need to know...
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  Geopointe streamlines business processes with the help of powerful features that visualize your data. One core feature – the visual shape library – makes this process infinitely easier for end users, providing custom shapes that can be used directly from the map. But, before you can take advantage of its full power, you first need to know how...
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  Key Geopointe Resources to Successfully Guide Your Executive Team Executives need to see the big picture for new business ideas to come to light. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the Geopointe features that Admins can setup to expand the dimensions of your executives’ Salesforce data and empower their decision-making.
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Company: HFO Investment Real Estate, LLC Industry: Real Estate The team at HFO Investment Real Estate, LLC are experts in the multi-family home real estate market. HFO helps qualified investors with interest in multi-family homes find the perfect real estate investment options that meet their personal and financial objectives – from private clients looking to...
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Part 8 | #BoostYourBusiness Series Over the years, countless tools and technologies have been created to help manufacturers improve their processes and workflow. After all, the more efficiently they can deliver the completed product to the consumer, the more their bottom-line rises. As such, it was only a matter of time before manufacturing made geolocation...
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From candy grams to RomComs, Valentine’s Day is jam-packed with many well-known traditions that are entrenched in our culture. But, there’s much we’re still learning about this Hallmark holiday thanks to modern technology and location data. So, for the 54.8% of Americans celebrating February 14th this year, we’ve compiled a heart-felt infographic full of interesting tidbits...
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In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the importance of having an effective CRM strategy. Salesforce does a great job at illustrating who performed an action, what the action was and when the action occurred. But, the key metric missed is the where. This is where Geopointe comes into play!
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2017 was an eventful year full of breaking news and memorable moments. Here at Geopointe HQ, things were moving faster than ever, as we introduced a wave of new features to enhance your mapping experience. With so much movement, we want to make sure you didn’t miss any of them! To help you move the...
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Key Geopointe Resources to Successfully Guide Your Development Team As a developer, you know that Salesforce was built to be flexible and responsive to virtually any business need. Geopointe was built in the same developer-friendly spirit, with an extensive toolkit of supported API methods, URL parameters and Actions that can be deployed to support all types...
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At their core, New Year’s resolutions are about shaping better habits, both personally and professionally. While Geopointe can’t help you slim your waistline, it can certainly help you build healthier professional habits – especially for those in sales. Use these five tips to Shape Up Your Sales Process:
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