
geolocation business solutions
Generation after generation, the manufacturing industry has evolved and spread across the world. As the industry has grown, tools and technologies have been created specifically for manufacturers, helping them improve processes and workflows. According to McKinsey & Company, “The US manufacturing sector needs an injection of productivity, and companies cannot capture the demand opportunities described...
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Part 12 | #BoostYourBusiness Series In the world of higher education, location data has carved out a special niche, as it’s helped optimize recruiting and alumni relation processes in ways that were simply not possible a few years ago. As such, universities are rapidly adopting location data solutions like Geopointe. If you work in higher education,...
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Part 10 | #BoostYourBusiness Series Few industries benefit from location-based intelligence like the real estate industry. As real estate agents and agencies have become more advanced and data-driven, they’ve progressively turned to location data to bring in more clients and optimize their house or commercial buying experience. If you call the real estate industry home,...
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Part 9 | #BoostYourBusiness Series For years, telecommunications companies have had access to unparalleled amounts of location data. After all, few industries have access to more location-based information than the companies providing consumers and corporations with cellular data plans for their mobile devices. But, despite a surplus of location data, telecom companies need to know...
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Part 8 | #BoostYourBusiness Series Over the years, countless tools and technologies have been created to help manufacturers improve their processes and workflow. After all, the more efficiently they can deliver the completed product to the consumer, the more their bottom-line rises. As such, it was only a matter of time before manufacturing made geolocation...
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  Part 7 | #BoostYourBusiness Series You may not know it, but agricultural businesses and location data services are an ideal match. In fact, despite the industry’s old school mentality, the use of location data has become a best practice for some of the more successful companies in agriculture and farming. And, with the recent...
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Part 6 | #BoostYourBusiness Series Santa Clause may be make-believe, but the rise in demand for consumer goods during the holidays certainly isn’t. If your business looks to the holidays for a serious spike in revenue, having the right tools to meet the demand is a necessity. If you’re in need of a strategic seasonal...
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