
As we launch into another new year, we reflect on 2015 and feverishly plan for the year(s) ahead.  Some of us may want to spend more time basking in the success from the past year, but others may be ready for a fresh, new start with new possibilities and new budgets. But what does success...
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Geocoding is not a simple matter, and ultimately something of an art. Much of the complexity comes from the geocoder being a black box to us – all Geopointe does is send the address off to the geocoding service, and hope the returned results are accurate. Unfortunately we can’t assume that if Google Maps can...
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We’ve all heard the old adage time is money, and for sale reps, road warriors, service providers,  marketing teams, and so many others, this couldn’t be more true. Although we’ve all had those days when we think “if only there were more hours in the day” or “where did the day go”, time is not...
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This new season is the prefect time to spring into the latest version of Geopointe. This upgraded version introduces some of the most popular features requested including, data set folders, assignment plans, revamped demographics and so much more. To see these new features in-action watch the webinar, or take a look at the release notes....
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Introduction Whether via Geopointe or a free application like Google Earth, spatial data is best displayed on a map. Coordinates and addresses can be displayed in fields on a Salesforce record, or spreadsheet, but seeing the full spatial context of data can unlock powerful insights and conclusions which otherwise would have been overlooked. Geopointe users...
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Among our most common questions is: how can I see my contacts and leads on the same map? Or perhaps something like: I need to see a comparison between my current customers and my open opportunities; can I do that? The answer to both these questions is yes. This was previously covered in an old blog post,...
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Did you know you can view Salesforce records records to your mapped record from the Geopointe map? A fairly new feature to Geopointe, the View Related Records button allows you to see other records related to the mapped location without leaving the map page. It can be accessed from info bubble on the map, either...
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It’s not a new feature of Geopointe for the map page to automatically read your location, as long as you’re using a browser that supports it. However, there are times that after mapping, you’ll want to return to your current location without reloading the page. Both Google Maps and Mapquest have a button to help...
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