
KML Files
Nonprofit organizations are pillars within the communities they serve, delivering impactful change to their cause.  For Geopointe customer Ecology Action, that cause was focused around making a bigger impact on the critical drought conditions. In March 2016, Ecology Action, a nonprofit organization providing innovative energy, water and transportation solutions to communities across California, partnered with...
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Ben McCarthy, or better known as Salesforce Ben within the Salesforce Community, is a Salesforce MVP, Salesforce Consultant, and founder of SalesforceBen.com. SalesforceBen.com was created in 2014 as a resource for Salesforce admins looking for tips, tools, and industry news. Since it’s inception, SaleseforceBen.com has quickly become a staple resource for Salesforce users across the globe...
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As more organizations become aware of the benefits of geolocation, its use will inevitably become an industry standard. For many industries, such as retail and technology, the shift has already happened. That being the case, we’ve put together a list of 10 geolocation terms you should know as your organization begins to evaluate, implement and expand...
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