
Best Practices for retail stores
Part 3 | #BoostYourBusiness Series Location data technology has become a go-to tool in the corporate world, and with it’s proven ability to generate revenue for businesses, it’s no wonder why. However, that same bottom-line success can cause some nonprofit organizations to view location data as a money-making service that doesn’t align with their mission....
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Part 2 | #BoostYourBusiness Series The way people are getting their groceries is changing rapidly as technology evolves and companies learn more about consumer shopping habits. With food delivery services slowly claiming a large chunk of the grocery market and one of the largest grocery chains, Whole Foods, being acquired by tech-giant Amazon, it seems...
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Part 1 | #BoostYourBusiness Series According to a recent survey performed by the Pew Research Center, 95 percent of Americans now own a cell phone. Of those, 77 percent own a smartphone.[1] With the majority of the population constantly connected to the internet on their mobile phones, the many ways business can use location data...
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