Happy, Healthy Healthcare Companies Leverage Location Data

Although the Healthcare industry is divided into a variety of sectors, each sector’s underlying goal remains the same: improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities. This is a tall order, requiring organizations to look outside the box to address the needs in an ever-changing landscape.

Whether your Healthcare and Life Sciences organization is focused on devices, hospice, diagnostics, research, pharma, rehabilitation, hospitals, or wellness outreach, companies are complementing their Salesforce instance with Geopointe to leverage the benefits of location data and geo-analytics.

Here are some common uses of Healthcare organizations currently leveraging Geopointe.

Territory Assignment & Analysis

Some organizations call them territories, others call them service regions. No matter what you call it, Geopointe provides the ability to assign accounts to team members based on geography, potentially filtered by field criteria.

Creating territories can be as simple as drawing directly on the map or as specific as using Geopointe’s pre-defined shape library boundaries (including states, counties, MSAs, and postal codes). Once your territories are defined by a shape, you can assign your team to the Salesforce records within those boundaries. You can also use these shapes as search boundaries. For example, a user could pull up their territory, search for accounts with no activity in the past 90 days inside of the shape, and analyze the geographic hot spots needing their attention. They could even color the pins by the record type, in this case easily identifying their medical offices, patients, and suppliers.

Routing and Optimization

Time spent in the field could be for patient-care visits or doctors’ offices to tout your latest product, and Geopointe Routing can help you plan your day, optimizing the order of those visits to save you time. From your desktop or mobile device, add stops to your route, and Geopointe will either optimize for maximum efficiency or allow you to manually order stops the as needed. Access saved routes directly from Salesforce1 on your mobile device and send the location out to your favorite routing or ride share application. Routes can also be shared with other team members or printed to a PDF. Make the route even better with personalized notes; record a gate security code or a doctor’s preferred coffee. You’ll make their day.

routing for healthcare companies

Real-time Check-in/out

If you have spent any time in the field, you know how annoying it is to head back to the office after a long day on the road simply to log into Salesforce and log your day’s worth of activity – visits, conversations from those visits, notes written on paper, daily mileage, etc. At the very least, it’s a time-sucker. Geopointe’s check-in and out feature allows users to check-in to a stop upon arrival and check out upon departure, including notes, next steps, or a status in Salesforce1, writing directly to your Salesforce environment. Your operations teams can then run reports of check-in/out activity to see if the external teams are staying on schedule and analyze overall efficiency.

Demographic Data

Using Geopointe’s built-in demographic data, you can plan promotions and outreach based on goals and requirements specific to your organization. Pull data such as income and view it by zip code or county, overlaid with your Salesforce data to determine communities that could best benefit from outreach. One Geopointe customer used a combination of demographic and behavioral data in Salesforce to plan a major initiative to combat high blood pressure. After mapping their program data, this company learned their outreach programs have been very effective in every U.S. Census block group within targeted communities where residents were more likely to have heart disease. Showing these maps to their supporters enabled advocates to obtain funding to quadruple the program and extend the initiative for years to come.

All healthcare organizations can benefit from the ability to visualize the needs of the community they serve and we continue to be amazed how creative our customers are with Geopointe. The opportunities are endless. What could your company achieve with geo-location data in Salesforce? Contact us for more information or request a demo.

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