How Location Data Can Improve Your Content Marketing

How Location Data Can Improve Your Content MarketingThese days, people’s day-to-day lives are more revolved around their cell phones than ever before, providing marketers with endless amounts of real-time location data. With so much valuable location-based information available, content marketing has become more informed and strategic. If you’re a marketer looking to use location data to keep your company’s content ahead of the curve, here are a few ideas and examples to steer you in the right direction:

Inform the Creative Process

As any creative marketer will attest, the more information you have on the region of your target audience (e.g., average income, median age) the easier it is to customize your content to make it resonate. But, for a long time that information was difficult for content marketers to come by and was rarely accessible enough to leverage. Luckily, new user-friendly research tools (e.g., Geopointe’s Geographic Searching & Analysis feature) have emerged, allowing content marketers to have direct access to tools that allow them to quickly and efficiently deep-dive relevant location data. As a result, their content has become more impactful and informed.

Optimize Content Based on Location

In addition to assisting the creative process, location data allows companies to optimize the placement of their marketing content. So, whether your creative team is in charge of writing a radio spot for a new product line or designing an email campaign for a major event, your content reaches the eyes and ears of your target audience, making each dollar you spend on advertising that much more impactful. For example, a disaster relief organization could create a hurricane-relief campaign targeted towards towns along the eastern seaboard during hurricane season. Then, that same company could create a completely separate campaign focused on promoting fire safety tips in California in the months leading up to fire season.

Customize Campaigns with Personalized Content

Beyond being able to reach specific audiences, location data has also opened the door for content to contain custom messaging through the use of personalized content. Personalized content adjusts to the audience receiving your marketing collateral by stating their name, location or some other personal information to make the message more applicable. For example, an email campaign for a major concert in Southern California (SoCal) might interest most SoCal residents. But, if that same email campaign contains a limited-time offer or coupon, the odds are that deal will only appeal to households with a specific income range. However, by using interactive content, you can make that deal fluctuate in value and appeal based on the ZIP code of your audience, and the corresponding area’s average income. What’s more, if you offer an all-inclusive package that includes travel accommodations, you can adjust the offer based on the distance of your audience.

Want to discover how else location data can optimize your marketing efforts? Follow the link below to learn more!

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