How We Used Geopointe to Prep for Salesforce World Tour New York

How We Used Geopointe to Prep for Salesforce World Tour New York

It’s been an exciting year for so many companies. In-person events have started to return, including the World Tour Series hosted by Salesforce. 

This week, customers and innovators will gather in New York City, and we are so thrilled to see you there. We haven’t been to a World Tour event in almost three years, which means we wanted to do it right. 

What better way to plan for an event than with our very own Geopointe? So that’s what we did. 

According to Jacqueline Leras, the Marketing Coordinator at Ascent Cloud, using Geopointe to prepare for World Tour New York was quick, easy, and pretty cool.

What Does Event Prep Look Like without Geopointe?

Marketing teams across the globe are familiar with planning in-person events. Those who spend their days deep in their marketing automation tools to target and send e-mails are usually fairly limited in what they can do. This can make the process a bit more lengthy and frustrating. 

At Ascent Cloud, we lean on Pardot inside of Salesforce for the bulk of our marketing efforts. 

“I originally created a list that had everybody from previous World Tour events,” Leras explained. “But the problem is that in this industry, people are constantly changing jobs, so the list I created was only about 60% mailable.”

When you’re faced with a marketing roadblock of that magnitude, you have to figure out how to do things differently. 

“You could pull a dynamic list based on everybody located in a certain state, but you can’t say ‘everybody within X amount of miles,” she added. 

With Geopointe, you’re able to get more specific. You can target using distance rather than state.

How We Used Geopointe to Prep for Salesforce World Tour New York

For optimal effectiveness, we wanted to pull a list and segment based on geographic location. This was done directly from the map using Geopointe.

Initially, we started by mapping out 100 miles from New York City and included everyone in our Salesforce org. We then expanded to 200 miles.

Using Geopointe to Plan for World Tour New York

“We figured people might be willing to travel a bit further since it’s the first World Tour event that’s happened in a few years,” Leras said. 

The entire process was quick and easy, with Leras saying that it took less than 10 minutes. The best part? Everything is done all in one place. 

“You can do everything inside of Salesforce,” she explained. “Once you make the list using Geopointe, you can add them to a Salesforce campaign and create/send emails through Pardot (or whichever marketing automation tool you prefer).”

And that’s exactly what we did. Emails were sent, SDRs followed up on the ones that were opened, and AEs touched base with the folks from a geographic perspective in their territories. 

Using Geopointe to plan our return to Salesforce World Tour was, without a doubt, the best course of action. It always feels good to know that we live what we sell, and that we believe in it too.

Maybe you received an email from us about World Tour New York. You now know why and how that happened, and we hope to see you in the city.

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