Feralloy Corporation Improves Speed of Sales Process with Geopointe.

Feralloy Corporation, a customer-focused and quality-driven leader in the steel industry, offers excellence in their products and services through the innovative management of their partnerships with customers, suppliers and valuable employees. Adapting continuously to customer needs, they are able to maximize customer satisfaction.
The Challenges
- When a sales team member was providing a quote that required an estimate of freight rates, the information was not readily available
- The sales team would have to interrupt their sales process to contact their logistics manager for the needed rates
- As we all know, speed is everything in sales and the Feralloy sales team’s speed was hindered by their need to contact an individual for the necessary information to complete their quote
Why Geopointe
- Feralloy needed a solution that could not only display the needed information, but would allow for the import of external data
- With freight shipping being highly focused on logistical details, a geolocation solution was required
- The sales team needed the ability to visualize the necessary data on a map so they could not only view the needed rates but see if an alternate route may be the better option based on the shipping and delivery locations
The Results
- Feralloy’s logistics manager is now able to export the freight rates for a given time frame (15,000+ line spreadsheet) and provide a succinct version to the Salesforce admin to import into Salesforce as a custom object
- This custom object will display relevant information such as:
- Time frame being pulled
- Minimum/Average/Maximum rates within the allotted time frame
- Number of runs in the allotted time frame
- Shipping Lane designation
- The sales team can now easily display this information on the Geopointe map as a dataset, even seeing the divisions as different colored pins, while on a call with a prospective customer
- To get the details for each designation, they simply click on the pin to see the 15 or so fields in the custom object
- The sales team has increased their speed and efficiency in providing their quotes
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